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Cyclone separator in industry

 Cyclone separator :

Principle: they are working on the Principal of centrifugal force.

Function: they are mainly used for remove solid from the gas


                           They have a simple construction there is upper side the   cylinderical section provides and downward side conical section is provided at the end tha hopper is present to collect the solid partical  the front side of their the inlet is provided gas can passes from them at the top the puried gas can removed outlate is present 

                   In this process fist we can be passes the inpuried air from their inlets  in higher pressure the gas can strike on the wall continuously due to their higher pressure the centrifugal force can be created in it due to the striking the solid particle can be present in it are started to collect at the bottom and the puried gas are goes to upper side and remove from their outlet and the at gas - solid can be separate out.


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